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Are you looking for the latest guidance on how you could build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in your backyard or an internal conversion within your home? 

Join AARP Vermont & HomeShare Vermont for a free informational webinar on March 25, 2021 from 12-1PM. This webinar will cover the benefits and of ADUs, architectural design ideas, the latest zoning regulations, and the steps required to get an ADU permitted and built in Burlington. We will focus on answering practical questions from homeowners on the permitting and designs requirements to building an ADU in your backyard. Register here.

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) are small houses or apartments that exist on the same property lot as a single-family residence — this traditional home type is re-emerging as an affordable and flexible housing option that meets the needs of older adults and young families alike.

Some Benefits of Accessory Dwelling Units:

  • ADUs can enable homeowners to provide needed housing for their parents, adult children, grandchildren or other loved ones.
  • An ADU can provide older adults a way to downsize on their own property while a tenant or family member resides in the larger house.


  • Kelly Stoddard Poor, AARP
  • Kirby Dunn, HomeShare VT
  • Missa Aloisi, Hinge Architecture
  • Staff of Burlington Planning & Zoning