What is homesharing?
- Homesharing is a simple idea where two or more people share a home for mutual benefit.
- A person offers a private bedroom and shared common space in exchange for rent, help around the home or a combination of the two.
- It differs from a typical roommate situation because, at its core, it is about two people helping each other.
- No two homesharing arrangements are alike. Each is tailored to the unique needs and interests of the people involved.
Our Screening and Matching Process
While people can find someone on their own, HomeShare Vermont has developed a comprehensive and client-driven screening and matching process over the past 40 plus years to make the best in-home matches possible. Our screening process focuses on your safety and security. Each compatible match is unique and based upon the interests, needs, and lifestyles of the individuals involved. It is up to people in the program to decide who they want to live with. HomeShare staff is with you every step of the way.
How it Works
We can mail you one or you can apply online. To safeguard your information, when applying online, your data is encrypted while in transit between your computer and our servers as well as while in the database.
Background checks and references
We conduct six different background checks and up to four reference checks on all applicants to help us find safe and compatible potential housemates for you. This information is never shared or sold to any outside entities.
This gives us a chance for us to learn more about your specific interests and lifestyle, and is also a chance for us to visit with you in your home if you are seeking someone to move in with you. Family members can participate in the interview if you would like.
Match search
We start to look for good potential matches based on your lifestyle, personal preferences and needs. When we have participants we think might be a fit, we call you and tell you about each other. If you decide you would like to meet, we plan a time for an introduction meeting.
Match introduction
When potential housemates have agreed to meet, HomeShare Vermont staff facilitates a conversation between the prescreened candidates of their choice. Participants have the opportunity to ask each other questions and express any concerns about privacy, security, compatibility, etc. You can see for yourself if this person might be a good fit for you.
Trial match
Once two participants agree to consider a match, there is a two-week trial period to see if you are compatible. During this time, either person can decide to end the match. The homesharer must keep their current housing to have a place to go back to in case it doesn’t work out. They also don’t bring all their things, just a suitcase.
Match agreement
If both parties agree to a trial match, we help create an agreement outlining mutual expectations including details such as rent, services, housekeeping, visitors, schedules and notice that would be given to end the match.
Match care and ongoing support
HomeShare Vermont staff stays in regular contact with participants throughout the life of the match and is available if needs change or issues arise.
Where We Serve
HomeShare Vermont serves the counties of Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Washington and Windsor (Barnard, Bethel, Bridgewater, Hartford, Hartland, Norwich, Plymouth, Reading, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, West Windsor, Windsor, Woodstock) as well as the towns of Craftsbury, Greensboro and Hardwick in the Northeast Kingdom and Brandon, Killington and Pittsfield in Rutland County.
For people with a home to share outside of these two service areas or for people who want to find a homesharer on their own, we have developed a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) guide to walk you through how to make a homesharing match on your own. Download the PDF.

Match Fees
There is no fee to apply. Only if we are successful in finding you a match do we charge both parties a one-time match fee. Our match fees range from $60 to $500 depending on your income. See the match fee scale below. As a private, non-profit organization our fees are an important source of income for our program.
No one is denied services because they cannot afford our match fees. If fees are a hardship, payment plans can be arranged. Please contact a HomeShare staff person to discuss this option. All match fees are non-refundable. If your match should end unexpectedly within the first three months, your paid match fee will be credited in full toward your next match.
Match Fee SCALE
Payable at the time the match agreement is signed.
The match fee only applies to participants for whom we are successful in finding a compatible match, and is due when the match agreement is signed. The match fee is based on a sliding scale according to gross annual income. We will provide you a bill when your match fee is due.
If your income is:
Less than $15,000
$15,000 – $24,999
$25,000 – $39,999
$40,000 – $54,999
$55,000 – $74,999
Your match fee will be:
HomeShare Vermont Non-Discrimination Policy
HomeShare Vermont serves people regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, presence of minor children, receipt of public assistance or gender identity. HomeShare Vermont is fully accessible to people with disabilities.
As part of the homesharing application process, all applicants agree to abide by a policy of non-discrimination and be willing to meet people who are different than themselves.