Resources for sharing your home
Home Sharing in Burlington – CEDO released a Whitepaper exploring the benefits of homesharing in the City of Burlington.
A Vermonter’s Guide to Homesharing – This DIY guide, updated for 2022, is for people who want to share their home but want to do it on their own or their home is not in a location served by a homesharing program.
National Shared Housing Resource Center (NSHRC) is a clearinghouse of information for people looking to find a shared housing program in their community. Their website has a directory of homesharing programs around the U.S.
Homeshare International was founded in London, UK, in 1999 to forge links between homeshare programs around the world and to stimulate the development of new programs. Since then, the homeshare movement has grown in strength and there are now homesharing programs in at least 16 countries.
Accessory Dwelling Unit resources
A Guide to Creating an Accessory Dwelling Unit in Burlington, Vermont
Content from Accessory Dwelling Unit Workshop on Sept. 22, 2018
HomeShare Vermont co-sponsored an ADU workshop in hopes of encouraging people to share their homes in another way. Brattleboro has been very successful in enabling residents to add apartments to their homes, and we’re exploring the role we could play in bringing that success to Burlington.
More ADU Information and Resources
What is an ADU? presented by Ian Jakus – Housing Projects & Policy Specialist, Burlington Community and Economic Development Office
Apartments in Homes presented by Tim Callahan – Brattleboro Area Affordable Housing, Apartments in Homes program
An ADU Success in Burlington presented by Andy Simon and Ruby Perry – residents of Burlington’s South End, who built an ADU in their daughter and son-in-law’s backyard
Zoning Consideration for Creating an ADU in Burlington presented by Meagan Tuttle – Comprehensive Planner, Burlington Planning & Zoning Department
ADU’s in Burlington – Zoning Considerations Q&A based on questions received at workshop