We are writing to you, a supporter of HomeShare Vermont, with exciting news! HomeShare Vermont will be expanding our service area to cover three additional counties in Vermont starting November 1.
For over a decade, homesharing services have been provided to Vermonters by two small and independent non-profit organizations: Home Share Now (covering Washington, Lamoille and Orange counties) and HomeShare Vermont (covering Chittenden, Addison, Grand Isle and Franklin counties). Each organization has had its own board, staff, office and systems.
Over the past few months, discussions have taken place between the two organizations to determine how best to efficiently and cost effectively provide strong, sustainable homesharing services to Vermonters. To achieve these goals, our organizations made the decision to have homesharing services provided by one organization.
This decision will provide more streamlined and efficient homesharing service delivery. By combining efforts, we will have one website, annual report, audit, outreach plan, etc. By centralizing the administration, we can put more resources directly into client services.
Effective November 1, 2019 HomeShare Vermont will provide homesharing services to all seven counties listed above. A satellite HomeShare Vermont office will open in Montpelier at 149 State Street. To assure continuity of services, Aaron Guman, currently a staff member of Home Share Now, will be hired by HomeShare Vermont and will continue to serve homesharing participants in the central Vermont region.
This is an exciting, but sizable, undertaking for us. Thank you for your support over the years and we hope you will continue to support our efforts to bring homesharing to more Vermonters. Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.
Kirby Dunn
Margaret Cicchetti